2025 Speaker

Silvia Aninye


Silvia has served the State of California in the area of legal nurse consulting for the past 14 year with a strong emphasis on defense medical examinations.  In the area of defense medical examinations Silvia has established herself as the go to expert nurses attending defense medical examinations. A great number of attorneys have sought the advice of Silvia Aninye regarding defense medical examinations. Silvia Aninye has educated both attorneys and nurses on the rules about defense medical examinations. Silvia Aninye’s background in nursing is in Med Surgical and Workers Compensation and med malpractice review. Silvia Aninye has worked in these areas for the number one trauma center in Los Angeles County LAC USC medical center and numerous insurance companies such as Crawford and Company, Boardspire Inc and Windsor Insurance in the areas of policy making, workers compensation and adjuster in the areas of subrogation and case management.

Silvia Aninye also will in 2024 have a book named Defense Medical Exams made Easy: A Painless Guide for LNCs and an online program on defense medical examinations, mentoring program, coaching program on defense medical examinations. Silvia Aninye is also a keynote speaker on Defense Medical examinations for a number of nursing organizations. Silvia Aninye is also an accomplished arbitrator for FIRNA regulatory organization for the SEC and a certified Mediator in the State of CA. Silvia Aninye is also a certified Mediator in the State of CA. I have also written a book for attorneys Independent Medical Exams: A guide for attorneys in the use of Nurses.

Silvia Aninye also has the only app in the web and on IOS and Android apps for defense Medical Examinations for attorneys and a LNC online resource center for LNCs that includes important information about defense medical examinations, articles current events on defense medical examinations and a podcast center.

Silvia Aninye also has a 25 years’ experience in the Auto Insurance, Workers Compensation Industry and Field and telephonic case management industry.

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August 12-14, 2025

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